
March 25, 2010


Filed under: business,creativity,marketing,media — Erik Dobberkau @ 07:03

The other day we had a brainstorming session with 4 colleagues to develop ideas how to introduce a new show host on our channel. Using the 6-3-5 method (yep, also works with only 4 people, who’d have thunk it), we developed 10 ideas for TV spots in about 2 hours. But that’s not the interesting part, that’s what you expect. Also, there were two more ideas that two members of the group had had the day before that were also thrown in.

The interesting part was the selection process that followed, because our task was to select one idea and turn it into a concept. It was interesting because of the interactions, the discussion culture, expectations and people changing minds. Most fascinating to me was this: One person totally refuses an idea, two like it and one is totally excited about it. In the course of the process, the nay-sayer for non-obvious reasons turns into a fan of the idea, which confuses the two others (the idea’s advocate is quite happy), because their expectation has been different.

After all it is possible to turn opponents into fans, though it may take effort, and most importantly avoid questioning the person or their motives. That doesn’t get you anywhere. Give it a little time so the idea can sink in, and sometimes 5 minutes later there’s a different situation. Worth a try, especially when it requires you to overcome your prejudice and negative expectations.

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