
September 17, 2010

The Problem with No Problems

Filed under: business,personal — Erik Dobberkau @ 10:27

Most people complain about the amount of problems they have. At work, with their spouse, their kids, their neighbours, at their club. So the natural reaction seems to avoid problems by circumventing them. And some people have mastered this to a point where they can say “I don’t have any problems.” At the same time they wonder why they feel a lack of purpose, the dullness that somehow has creeped into their lives.

Not having any problems is the worst that can happen to you, because you’re not finding solutions, hence you’re not creating value. The people who create the most value, be it for business or personal, are those who seek out problems. No problems, no opportunities.

1 Comment

  1. Business phrase of the day. “There are no problems – only challenges!”
    Anyhow: Life is defined by the choices that come along the path. And what you describe, so think I, is just the inability of some persons to choose / to make a decision. It’s rather the choices than the problems. A problem is the GEZ that keeps bugging me to re-certify that I really do not have a TV. Unfortunately I cannot get rid of that problem in a way I can live with.
    But I can choose to apply for a new job if the current one should be crappy. Here the choosing is the consequence of getting rid of a problem (crappy job) and would influence my life.
    I also can choose to talk with the stranger sitting next to me in the subway and therefore maybe starting a friendship, which would – again – influence my life.
    I just reckon that I do agree with you. Problems are there. What influences ones life are the choices / opportunities that evolve from the problems. Someone with a inability not to do decisions, for what reason whatsoever, will neither get rid of a problem nor come along with his life.

    Comment by M from HAM — September 17, 2010 @ 11:16

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