
May 18, 2011

(Not) Buying Tyres

Filed under: business,marketing — Erik Dobberkau @ 00:08

Two weeks ago, I started looking for new tyres, so I went to the place where I got my last set about 3 or 4 years ago. They gave me the quote, and that was it. Take it or leave it. Not too hard a choice, thanks.

The next dealer I went to was entirely different. Besides talking at breakneck speed, he was really competent without selling anything, and at one point he said: “Y’know, everyone can go out and compare prices these days via the Web, it’s completely transparent, you know in a few seconds what I pay for tyres myself when I order them for you. It’s completely transparent, so there’s no sense in trying to make something up, all I can do is recommend and share my experience so you can make a good decision.”

You wouldn’t expect to find this insight in a courtyard garage, but it’s all what being a merchant is about today: Making your customers happy by helping them make a decision they’re feeling good about.


  1. So did you buy the tyres in the end then? We want the next part of the saga! :)

    Comment by Gavin — May 18, 2011 @ 01:00

  2. I did. There will be a sequel, but not specifically about tyres.

    Comment by Erik — May 18, 2011 @ 07:59

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